
Something About You

Tamara Dever (Tami) is the author and designer of our products.

Tami grew up on books, music, and art. She began reading at a very early age and kept the Arrow Book Club in business for years. (Remember that?) Her dad had her convinced that country was the only “real” type of music until she discovered pop in sixth grade. In fact, while in junior high, her first concert was to see Johnny Cash with her family. She still enjoys the nostalgia classic country brings, but prefers ’70s and ’80s rock and pop these days.

Tami is the founder and creative director of TLC Book Design, a leading, boutique book creation firm for publishers of all sizes. She’s totally addicted to playing lyrics trivia games with her coworkers (or anyone who will join the fun) and has an epic ’80s birthday party each year. Concerts are her favorite thing to do for date night and she’s seen Billy Joel eleven times, including at Lambeau Field—a thrill for a die-hard Packer fan! Other favorites include Queen, Journey, Styx, Chicago, and Toto. She’ll insert a fitting lyric into any conversation and can rewrite a song with hilarious—or cheesy—lyrics in minutes.

When she’s not designing or writing books, you’ll find her hanging around the pool with her friends and family, or playing keyboard and singing backup in two of the adult bands through the local School of Rock. She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, two kids, two dogs, and retro treasure trove of a home office.


True Faith

The music, toys, fashion, and other memories of the ’80s can bring many happy moments to a day, but true, lasting joy comes from a relationship with Jesus. Do you know Him? He knows you and He loves you—yes, you. Wherever and whoever you are right now, He. Loves. You. Did you know that Jesus died for you before you were born and He knew everything you would ever do, say, and think? That blows my mind!

I’ve always thought Jesus was kind and I grew up in the church, but my later ’80s days were a bit more party-centric than Christ-centered. Dedicating my life to serving Him has brought me such deep and lasting joy! Life isn’t always pretty, but it’s a lot easier to handle the roller coaster ride knowing He’s got this and I don’t have to figure it all out. Especially in this bizarre Covid time, I find great peace being able to rest in His peace and love.

If you’d like to learn more, please reach out and we can chat! This is definitely a no judgement zone. :) If you’d like prayer, just send an email prayer request and know that it will be done.

Did you know that every time someone truly gives their life to Christ, the angels practically throw a party for that person? “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” – Luke 15:10 If you’re ready to give your life to Jesus, simply talk to Him. If you mean this in your heart, you can say something like this,

Dear God, I’m not perfect. I am a sinner. I’m sorry for my sin. Please forgive me!
I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son and that He died for my sins and You raised Him to life.
I want to invite Him into my heart to take control of my life.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

If you just gave your life to Jesus, congratulations! I’m so excited for you! He’s going to upgrade the current you over the years—as you learn more about Him—and it’s going to be beautiful. :) Your next step is to find a local, bible-based church. Feel free to contact me to share the good news! I love you!